Exploring and Documenting Our 
Oceans to Support Conservation
and Management.

Exploring and Documenting Our 
Oceans to Support Conservation
and Management.

Exploring and Documenting Our 
Oceans to Support Conservation
and Management.


MARE returns from surveying California’s central coast marine protected areas.

Visual surveys of California’s MPAs are essential to help determine MPA effectiveness over time. This expedition supported the state’s long-term monitoring of MPAs from Bodega Bay to Portuguese Ledge.



View our deep-sea imagery

Select photos videos from expeditions includes rarely seen species from deep marine environments.

View our deep-sea imagery

We take hundreds of photos and hours of video with our ROV camera systems during each expedition. Explore some of our imagery, including rarely seen species from deep marine environments.

MARE is a 501(c)(3) non-profit marine exploration and research organization, founded in 2003.

We are dedicated to supporting scientific institutions in their efforts to survey and conserve marine ecosystems.