California Costal Survey
Working in partnership with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, MARE completed one the most comprehensive deep-water assessments of California’s coastal waters. Looking both inside and outside of MPAs, MARE completed surveys at over 138 sites statewide. The imagery collected during this multi-year assessment builds upon years of surveys completed previously throughout this long-standing partnership.

A total of five cruises were conducted over three years in all four of California’s MPA study regions: South Coast, Central Coast, North Central Coast and North Coast MPA Study Regions. Surveys were focused on gathering quantitative data on benthic marine organisms, as well as associated habitats, both inside and outside of California’s MPAs.
This detailed assessment of important fish and invertebrate species, many of which are commercially and recreationally exploited, represents the most comprehensive ROV study of California’s deep-subtidal waters. Video data collected was post-processed by MARE analysts and used to examine the current condition of species, their associated habitats and statewide range, as well as providing long term data for use in informing fisheries management and evaluation of MPA effectiveness.
A number of videos and photographs collected during ROV surveys are highlighted in a series of articles
found in “Exploring California’s MPAs” which is part of the CDFW Marine Management News blog:
Point St. George Reef Offshore State Marine Conservation Area
Southeast Farallon State Marine Reserve
Sea Lion Gulch State Marine Reserve
Point Conception State Marine Reserve
Año Nuevo State Marine Reserve
Portuguese Ledge State Marine Conservation Area