Corona 1

Corona 2

Dear Friend,

During these challenging times we are thinking of everyone who has been affected by this pandemic and are very grateful to the health workers and others on the frontline putting their lives at risk. We are also thinking of families and friends who are directly impacted by the coronavirus.

I am also filled with gratitude and appreciation for you, our supporters and fellow ocean lovers. Over the coming weeks, we will be leaning further into our mission to Explore, Discover and Protect our ocean, bringing the deep sea to you in more creative ways. We hope you enjoy the awareness, education, and engagement we will virtually offer. Please follow us online (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn) for some ocean-minded distraction during these difficult times.

We hope that you are all staying safe and healthy… and for now please enjoy our first installment in this renewed outreach with a recent podcast featuring MARE’s Kellie Aamodt, Natasha Benjamin, and Erin O’Toole – with thanks to Desiree Patno and her organization NAWRB for the opportunity.

Wishing you health,

Dirk Rosen
Founder and Executive Director

Corona 3

MARE partners for intelligent ocean management, which promotes resilience, sustainability and biodiversity in our oceans. Your tax deductible gift is used in marine exploration, discovery, and protection, to ensure a healthy ocean for generations.

When you donate to MARE, you are investing in our blue planet.