Giving Tuesday Now TY 1

Dear Friend,
Oceans of thanks! You donated over $15,000…and climbing! The Robert & Lisa Margolis Family Foundation will match your generosity with a gift of $10,000 to support our ocean research. Our #GivingTuesdayNow gratitude runs deeper than the Mariana Trench.

Giving Tuesday Now TY 2

In case you missed it, in celebration of the global day of unity, we hosted a couple of fascinating guest speakers and conversations with Geoff Shester, Oceana and David Helvarg, Blue Frontier.

We are still short of our goal. Though #GivingTuesdayNow may be over, we will continue to accept donations towards the campaign through the end of the month as part of Firespring’s Nonprofit Matching Fund Initiative. Don’t forget, we are sending a MARE-branded face mask to all donors over $100, and the top 5 donors will receive a specially-designed mask.
Take care and best fishes,

Dirk Rosen
Founder and Executive Director
Individually, we are one drop.
Together, we are an ocean.

Support ocean research for a resilient blue planet. Donate today!

MARE partners for intelligent ocean management, which promotes resilience, sustainability and biodiversity in our oceans. Your tax deductible gift is used in marine exploration, discovery, and protection, to ensure a healthy ocean for generations.

When you donate to MARE, you are investing in our blue planet.