Our Services
With over 20 years of experience, we deliver cost-effective deep-water services including characterizations of habitats and species assemblages, assessing human impacts on the marine environment and recovery of lost scientific equipment. Our fleet of robotic tools and engineering expertise provides access to the deep sea from 50 to 1,000 meters and can be tailored for almost any deep-water job.

Long-term Monitoring, Site Characterizations, Assessing Human Impacts
MARE owns and operates a fleet of underwater robotic vehicles specifically designed to collect geo-referenced video, still imagery, sensor data and physical samples for use in scientific research, exploration, and commercial operations. Since our founding in 2003, MARE has visually surveyed over 3,500 kilometers of seafloor habitat, and 6 million marine fish and invertebrates have been identified and documented. MARE provides high-quality and unbiased data, as well as detailed characterizations that meet state and federal requirements.
Our Deep-sea visual surveys include: Marine Protected Area monitoring, National Marine Sanctuary surveys, determining the effects bottom trawling has on the sea floor, assessing new fishing gear for decreased bottom contact, evaluating the effects seismic testing using air canyons has on marine fish and invertebrate species, helping to restore white abalone populations, and providing site assessments that support the wave and wind power installation process, as well as permitting of intake and outfall infrastructures.

Our engineers design and build sampling collection equipment for a variety of applications including deep sea coral and sponge samples. We have recovered hard and soft corals and sponges, geological and water samples. The ROV Beagle, with its 5-function manipulator and specimen chamber, is an efficient and cost-effective platform. We are currently developing a water sampling tool for further oceanographic analysis such as e-DNA studies and in-situ water quality assessments.

Losing expensive scientific equipment can be one of the worst days for any researcher. The chances of ever seeing it again seem almost non-existent. Using the ROV Beagle, MARE has successfully recovered 100% of the equipment we set out for. Whether it is a lost CTD rosette, sediment traps anchored to the sea floor or an AUV stuck in a volcanic rock formation, MARE’s expert team is there to find and recover your lost equipment.

Our team of highly trained biologists and GIS experts analyze and geo-reference video and still images of fish and invertebrate species and associated habitats along with water quality information in support of environmental impact reports, characterizations and assessments. In-house software development focuses on streamlining Data Analysis which reduces overall project costs and processing time. Final data products support a variety of research applications including benthic seafloor characterization, MPA monitoring, fisheries management and human impacts such as pollution and climate change.