Aloha Challenge Update 1

Dear Friend,

Breaking news! MARE’s Aloha Challenge has been extended until the end of July. We are almost there but still need your help to bring the BATFish to Hawai’i.

When you can see a problem, you can solve a problem. MARE is bringing our BATFish and 15+ year MPA experiences to Hawai‘i to look further, deeper, and more intently in order to develop effective solutions.

Aloha Challenge Update 2

Join us in our quest to bring critical information to Hawai’i’s bold plan to effectively manage 30% of its waters by 2030. One week left to support our work to ensure a vibrant, sustainable Hawai’i for generations to come.

We are $20,000 away from achieving our goal and your gift will be doubled with a matching Peter J Davis Family Foundation of the Marin Community Foundation!

MARE partners for intelligent ocean management, which promotes resilience, sustainability and biodiversity in our oceans. Your tax deductible gift is used in marine exploration, discovery, and protection, to ensure a healthy ocean for generations.

When you donate to MARE, you are investing in our blue planet.