Aloha Open House 1

MANO is the Hawaiian word for shark and considered one of the protectors of the islands.

Dear Friend,

We are almost half way to MARE’s Aloha Challenge goal thanks to many of you! We are proud to bring MARE to Hawaii in support of their conservation efforts, and invite you to join us on this important expedition.

In the spirit of mano, all donations of $100+ through June 30th will receive a MARE exclusive shark print.

Learn more about MARE’s exciting new journey across the Pacific at the Aloha Open House on June 29th. If you haven’t RSVP’ed there is still time! Don’t miss the Aloha Uke Squad playing Hawaiian tunes while you get a chance to pilot the ROV.

Aloha Open House 2

Donate to the Aloha Challenge today and receive a print of the this blue shark

MARE Open House
Saturday June 29th, 2019 1 – 4pm
1230 Brickyard Cove Rd. Point Richmond, CA

MARE partners for intelligent ocean management, which promotes resilience, sustainability and biodiversity in our oceans. Your tax deductible gift is used in marine exploration, discovery, and protection, to ensure a healthy ocean for generations.

When you donate to MARE, you are investing in our blue planet.